30 septembre 2013 / admin / 0 Comments
My father narrated me this punjabi poetry of a friend of his. Though this poem is an old-man vision oriented, i find the rhymes and strophes perfectly calibrated. Feel free to share any other authentic poetry you might have. I love to discover what people write.
ط طمع نے مار کے چور کیتا
ط طمع نے مار کے چور کیتا
پتر دین جواب ہن ماپیان نوں۔
The cupidity crushed us
Offspring now respond to the parents
پال پوس کے اسی جوان کیتے
سکھی رکھیا سی ایناں پاپیان نوں۔
We brought them up young and strong
We kept with comfort these loved ones.
سارے فرض جہاں دے ادا کیتے
نواں سہیڑیاں کرن سیاپیاں نوں۔
We abide by all this world requisites
The daughters in law indulge in making stories
اسلم خان دی جان کباب کیتی
اگ لا کے ملھے دے چھاپیاں نوں۔
Aslam Khan’s life got roasted
On a bonfire of marketed dried feces.
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15 septembre 2013 / admin / 0 Comments
Most of Pakistanis know this as a spiritual reflection. I’ve translated it to french for enhancing accessibility and comprehension.
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
Na main momin vich maseetaan
Na main vich kufar diyan reetaan
Na main paakaan vich paleetaan
Na main moosa na firown
Not a believer inside the mosque, am I
Nor a pagan disciple of false rites
Not the pure amongst the impure
Neither Moses, nor the Pharoh
Je ne suis pas un fervent croyant dans une mosquée
Ni je pratique des actes blasphématoires
Ni je suis un pur parmi les impurs
Je suis ni Moïse, ni Pharaon
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
Na main vich paleeti paaki
Na vich shaadi na ghamnaaki
Na main aabi na main khaki
Na main aatish na main paun
Neither clean, nor a filthy mire
In happiness nor in sorrow, am I
Not from water, nor from earth
Neither fire, nor from air, is my birth
Je ne suis ni pur ni corrompu
Ni dans la joie ni dans la peine je me trouve
Je ne suis issue ni de l’eau, ni de la terre
non plus du feu ou encore du vent
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
نا میں اندر وید کتاباں
نا وچ بانگاں،نا شراباں
نا وچ رنداں مست خراباں
نا وچ جاگن، نا وچ سون
Na main andar ved kitaabaan
Na vich bhangaan na sharaabaan
Na vich rindaan masat kharaabaan
Na vich jaagan na vich saun
Not in the holy Vedas, am I
Nor in opium, neither in wine
Not in the drunkard’s intoxicated craze
Neither awake, nor in a sleeping daze
Je ne suis pas dans le livre sacré de Vedas
Ni dans l’opium, ni dans le vin
Ni dans l’engouement chancelant d’ivrogne
Ni dans l’éveil, ni dans le sommeil.
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
Na main bheth mazhab da paaya
Ne main aadam havva jaaya
Na main apna naam dharaaya
Na vich baitthan na vich bhaun
Secrets of religion, I have not known
From Adam and Eve, I am not born
I am not the name I assume
Not in stillness, nor on the move
Je suis étranger au secret de la religion
Ni suis-je la projéniture d’Adma et Eve
Ni ai-je porté un nom ( je ne me suis pas donné de nom)
Ni dans le repos, ni dans le mouvement
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
Avval aakhir aap nu jaana
Na koi dooja hor pehchaana
Maethon hor na koi siyaana
Bulla! ooh khadda hai kaun
I am the first, I am the last
None other, have I ever known
I am the wisest of them all
Bulleh! do I stand alone?
De début à la fin, je ne me connais que moi même
Je n’ai pas connu quelqu’un d’autre
Personne n’est plus intelligent que moi
Bullah ! Qui est debout là bas ?
Bulleya Ki jaana main Kaun
Bulleya! to me, I am not known
Bulleya ! Comment puis je savoir qui je suis?
For more posts like this don’t forget to visit my page dedicated to poems ! 🙂
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