Story of a boy

A beautiful, beautiful poem by Sana Zafar. She is an anchor person and content writer. She brings people forward, making a difference and writes about bringing positivity in society.

It’s a story of a boy, who came home in tears,

He said he won’t go back, he has fears.

He saw bunch of boys laughing at him,

He felt he doesn’t fit in

May be he was too short or too tall?

May be he was too white or too black?

May be he was thin or too fat?

May be he was not so rich or not so cool?

Who knows what exactly was the truth?

I watched him from a distance and wondered why?

Is he being ungrateful or is the world too mean to make him shy?

I asked him to come play with my son,

He may seem a little different because he has autism!

He doesn’t use words to communicate

But don’t worry he doesn’t know how to be mean or to betray?

If you are kind, he would let you play

You may jump all you can

And you don’t have you to think, how you look

He won’t give a damn

But be careful, he is a hugger

He doesn’t care about your height

He will like you and will hold on tight

He doesn’t care if you are fairer or darker,

fat or thin

If you will laugh with him , he will laugh harder

Don’t worry if he gets upset halfway through,

That’s why God made mothers, I’ll be right there for you

I then asked the boy, are you not grateful?

For the eyes that see and the ears that hear?

For the mouth that speaks and let’s you eat?

For the body and brain that holds it all together and let you be?

He said I know that no one is ugly and I am indeed grateful,

But they don’t get it, they are not like your son

Why can’t everyone have autism?

If you like this poem please check her other programs Stars of Nust, DW articles and Jazba news show : Real life Heroes

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