Getting involved in this world head down, sometimes we lose our trueself somewhere. And we ask ourselves Where did I forget myself ?
This post explores where you could have possibly forgot yourself…
I am sitting in this chair,
Writing a post on this sheet.
For I wanna discover,
Where did I forget myself.
Is it in someone’s pocket ?
Or was it in someone’s heart?
Is it imprisonned in a spice jar ?
Or I gave it to someone served in a dish?
Did it sink along Titanic?
Or is it flying in a plane amoung clouds ?
Did I melt down like snow?
Or diffused away like flowers glow?
Or am I ranked in a shelf among others books ?
or forgotten on a barbecue grill?
Is it in a bird’s song?
Or in a friendship bond?
Or in firefighter’s battle?
Or simply I left it in a key hole?
Did I lock it up in a drawer?
Or zipped it in a traveller’s bag?
Is it laying in a maths’ formula as a fraction bar ?
Or am I a mishap? A ponctuation mark ?
It’s strange to have me here,
With my emptyself.
Because as you know I forgot,
Where did I lost myself.
For more poems in english you can check this page : POEMS

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