All my friends are gone…

This poems is for all the children who are suffering from war. All of people involved in war have not only scars on their bodies but they also hold scars on their souls and traumas in their thoughts.
Twelve years old Yasir do not understand.
He used to play games in the street with his friends.
Their Moms watched them through windows.
Fathers took them in their arms and teach life through smiles.
Qaiser does not understand :
Why his father got arrested,
Why his mother got shot,
Why his friends left the street,
Why his home is in ruins.
Salma does not understand,
The life without her legs,
With her damgaed ears,
And all these horror scenes.
Sham does not understand
The silence before bombings,
The sentence of being terrorist.
Faisal does not understand,
Mourning upon his kid’s lifeless body,
Burrying it under mud,
His precious treasure.
Safia does not understand,
The sepration of her family,
The blood on the streets’ walls.
She wonders where the joy is gone,
And what times struck them.
Yasir watches once again this street,
He’s anxious and do not understand,
It seems to him that it’s his turn,
All his friends are gone already.
To continue reading my other smiliar posts don’t forget to visit my Poem page ! 🙂

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