The blind, The deaf, The Dumb

My soul is said to flight every night,
When I sleep it leaves me,
Astonishingly, I remain alive.
I dream of falling.
Of falling for a very long while.
And sometimes of running,
Toward the sunlight,
But my eyes can’t open.
I keep running like this on the track.
My eyes cry and I am like blind.

Sometimes, I can not sleep.
Does it mean that my soul can’t fly ?
Banned or punished ?
Something like this?
It can not assist the meeting of souls held above ?
And what of when I am alone, and I start doubting?
Why do I doubt about something I’ve cleared once for always?
Am I The Blind, The Deaf, The Dumb ?  I fear.


  1. Nice poem. Maybe not in the reach of every reader but food for thought… The deaf, the blind, the dumb. Keep it up!

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